Laser-Plasma Interactions and Applications

14th – 26th August 2011

University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland

This ICFA endorsed two-week International summer school aims to bring together PhD students and young postdoctoral researchers for an intensive programme of study on fundamental and applied aspects of high power laser-plasma physics.

The core programme will consist of lectures by internationally renowned experts, supplemented by workshops, poster presentations and informal discussion sessions. The programme aims to enable the exchange of new ideas across these fields.

Enquiries should be directed to: (replace -at- with @)


• Theory of laser-plasma interactions
• Plasma wave acceleration / electron acceleration
• Undulator and betatron photon sources
• High harmonic generation
• Ion acceleration
• Applications of laser plasma accelerators
• Inertial Confinement Fusion
• Fast Ignition ICF and variants
• Plasma modelling techniques
• Target fabrication and characterisation
• Material properties at high energy density
• Diagnostic techniques

In addition the programme will include the following activities:

• Public lecture on prospects for laser-fusion as an energy source
• Guest lectures and a participant poster session


1. To broaden the knowledge of young researchers working in high power laser-plasma science by providing them with a thorough pedagogical grounding in the interaction of laser radiation with matter, laser-plasma accelerators and inertial confinement fusion;
2. To provide the participants with knowledge of the latest research trends and elucidate future exciting challenges in laser-plasma science;
3. To provide young researchers with an opportunity to interact with experienced physicists and the community of fellow students active in laser-plasma science; and,
4. To raise the awareness of knowledge transfer and career opportunities in laser-plasma science.

Organising Committee

• Director: Prof. Paul McKenna, University of Strathclyde, UK;
• Co-director: Prof. Alex Andreev, Vavilov State Optical Institute, Russia;
• Scientific Secretary: Prof. Bob Bingham, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and University of Strathclyde, UK;
• Bursaries: Prof. Dino Jaroszynski, University of Strathclyde, UK;
• Treasurer: Prof. David Neely, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK;
• Programme Advisor: Prof. Bill Kruer, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA;
• SUSSP68 Secretary: Ms Michelle King, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK.